Staircase Construction and Flooring Services in Mississauga
The staircase is often one of the first things your guests notice when they enter your house. So, if you want to make a good first impression, it pays to have a gorgeous staircase that complements and accentuates the aesthetics of your humble abode!
We’ve observed that often the simplest of edits to the floor and the staircase can make a house look and feel more inviting and pleasing. This is why we offer staircase construction and flooring services in Mississauga that will beautify your house in no time!
Doesn’t matter if your in-laws are coming over for a surprise visit or if you’re entertaining your boss, our staircase construction services promise to leave a positive and long-lasting impression on your visitors and guests.
Whether you want to ditch the traditional staircase model for a custom-made staircase or if you just want to make minor adjustments like capping treads or adding a fresh coat of stain; the RHS Contracting Services team is here to help. We construct and remodel all kinds of staircases, and can easily breathe new life to your stairs!
On the other hand, the type of flooring required for a room is often dictated by the purpose of that room. Floors are also the most vulnerable to the perils of wear and tear and ageing. Therefore, when choosing the flooring for your house, it’s important to not only pick something style-appropriate, but also a finish that is durable.
From Linoleum to Brazilian Walnut and from ceramic to marble; we provide you with appropriate information so that you can make educated decision. Our dedicated and skilled installers offer incredible flooring services in Mississauga that will not only add years to the floor’s life but also beautify it immensely! Call us today for a free consultation!